Designing for Sound Control: Effective, GREEN, Principles and Practices

Designing for Sound Control: Effective, GREEN, Principles and Practices

In this one-hour course, design professionals will gain practical knowledge of effective principles of sound control to specify optimal sound control strategies in the design of wall and floor/ceiling assemblies that best fit each project’s needs. We will discuss building code criteria and guidelines, including strategies to meet these requirements utilizing green, sustainable, cost-effective cellulosic fiberboard.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Discuss the qualifications and benefits of wall and floor assemblies when designed for sound attenuation
  2. Review the principles of sound management as it pertains to specific types of assemblies
  3. Describe sound control strategies that are particular to common wall and floor/ceiling assemblies
  4. Examine sound control design methods for walls and floors using sustainable, mold-resistant cellulosic fiberboards made from recycled materials
Provided By: 
Design Category: 
(13) Special Construction
Applicable Credits

This Course Is Included In Upcoming Events

19 - 19 Mar
2 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour(s)
1 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour(s)
9 - 10 Apr
4 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour(s)
1 GBCI General Hour
16 - 17 Apr
4 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour(s)
1 GBCI General Hour
7 - 8 May
4 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour(s)
1 GBCI General Hour