Spray Foam In Commercial Design

Spray Foam In Commercial Design

Attendees of this one hour spray foam education course will receive one SD/HSW credit. We will focus on the non-residential use of spray foam as an insulation, air barrier material, and various assemblies. We will discuss building code requirements including ASHRAE 90.1, NFPA 285 compliance, the value of continuous insulation, and the advantages of spray foam.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Participants can describe the effect of the building code on spray foam insulation.
  2. Participants can describe the effect of spray foam on the indoor environment.
  3. Participants can explain the impact of spray foam on a building's energy performance.
  4. Participants can explain the life cycle analysis of spray foam and payback periods.
Design Category: 
(07) Thermal and Moisture Protection
Applicable Credits